Saturday 5 October 2013

Emily Stubbs - Ceramics

What inspires you in your art?
Contrast plays a massive part in my work at the moment. I think it always has been important to me but I have only recently really started to develop these ideas further. With my new pieces I have been constantly investigating the contrast between different elements within each piece. From glazed to unglazed surfaces, colourful slips against stark white clay, smooth surfaces next to rough texture. That boundary where two elements meet fascinates me. I’m not sure why I find it so satisfying!

What medium do you work in?
I work in ceramics. I hand build each piece out of white stoneware clay adding texture by pressing objects into the clay surface or scratching the surface of the clay with various tools. I decorate each piece by layering up coloured slips, glazes, decals and gold lustre. Each piece is fired in the kiln 3 times before it is ready to display. Ceramics is very versatile, making it a fantastic medium to work in and achieve completely different effects which can sit side by side in contrast with each other.

What are you looking forward to at Make it Up North?
As a one of the organisers of Make it Up North I am really looking forward to the event as a whole! I really hope that Make it Up North is successful and can then grow to become a major art event in the North. I am really looking forward to seeing our fantastic installation artists and how the Guildhall will be transformed for the weekend!

What work are you showing at the event?
I will be showing some of my new work at Make it Up North, which I have been working on for the last few months. I have had quite a tough year, with my mum passing away from breast cancer last year at the age of 57 and this has made me really re-assess all aspects of my life and to focus on exactly what I want to be doing with my work. It’s good to take a step back every now and again anyway as an artist and see the bigger picture, but a life changing event like this forces you to do so. So I have gone fully self-employed to be able to focus on developing my ceramics and organising The Art Market and Make it Up North events.
My new work is much bigger and bolder than work I have shown before and is definitely a step towards realizing what I want to achieve.

Have you any exciting news to share?
I am currently working on my new website showcasing my new work, with an online gallery and shop. This will be launched within the next two weeks so keep an eye out!

If you could sit in a room with any artist….who would it be and what would you ask them?
Hmmm, there are so many artists I would have loved to meet! I think that Picasso would be number one on my list as his work inspired me from such an early age. I would love to just sit quietly and watch him draw and paint! On a ceramist front I have always loved Gordon Baldwins organic forms with gridwork patterns and bold monochrome contrasts.

Name your favourite quote/or philosophy to life?
“Imagination is the highest kite one can fly
Lauren Bacall (American motion-picture and stage Actress, b.1924)

If money was no object what piece of work would you create? 
I would love to build an entire house out of clay! Everything from the walls and roof, down to the objects inside such as tables and chairs and mop buckets! I have made a series of ceramic irons and spray bottles in the past, and I loved the elevated sense of worth they were given when made in clay. Everyday objects suddenly became cherished ornaments!

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